Tournament Points
Did the Open/Varsity division have at least 5 schools? 1.D
Enter Open/Varsity field size 2.A
Enter Novice/JV field size
Combined field size
Select elim reached 2.B
Unadjusted elim points
Placed in the top 1/3 of the field in elims 2.C
Enter # of teams breaking in Open/Varsity 2.D
Break percentage
Break percentage penalty
Select # of prelims 2.E
# of prelims adjustment
Select prelim record 3.A
Non-breaking team points
Select record of lowest seeded breaking team 3.B
Elim points floor
Select # of teams from your school you walked over 5.C
Did you get walked over by a team from your school?
Were you part of a finals close-out with your schoolmates?
Walkover adjustment

Team Points
Enter points from one of your best 5 tournament performances 7.A
Enter points from one of your best 5 tournament performances
Enter points from one of your best 5 tournament performances
Enter points from one of your best 5 tournament performances
Enter points from one of your best 5 tournament performances